
A Better Australian Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry by Design – the National GMP & Validation Forum

Are you innovative?

We have too many people sitting about complaining about our shrinking Australian manufacturing industry, but you can do something about it! I have always believed that you must build in quality. For example with the US FDA 3 stage validation approach: we have realised that quality must be designed into the product.

How is your company designing “innovation” into your product, facility, systems and processes? Some companies have paid “innovation days” and for others, I think it happens on the job. But it does not just happen! All executives know, that like all important aspects of our business, we need to set time aside for “innovative thinking“.

Coming to the National GMP & Validation Forum?

Why not take two days out of your busy schedule to expand your thinking and come to hear from some of the most progressive thinkers in our industry. Come and pinch some ideas from overseas and use them to lead your innovative thinking!

Better still, come and share your insights and your thoughts. I think you will agree we need a more innovative industry.

Is enough being done around Innovation in Australia?

In Australia, the National Innovation and Science Agenda announced last December shows some commitment to encourage businesses to innovate. The key points in The Agenda for manufacturers at early stages of business development include greater collaboration and networking with researchers and industry both in Australia and overseas, an Incubator Support Program and the push to get more women involved in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).

As indicated in a recent Manufacturers Monthly article, the Agenda should have looked at opportunities around tax incentives to ensure Australia remains competitive. More is required, but it is a solid start.

Did you know the MHRA and the US FDA have Innovation Offices?

To read more on the GMP and Validation Forum click here and here.