US FDA 483 Inspections and Citations for Biologics, Drugs and Devices

This is a helpful interactive graphical display, drawing live data US FDA 483 Inspections and Citations directly from the FDA site, and is intended only as a GMP awareness aid and to demo MicroSoft’s Power BI.

Work out the hot topics directly from the US FDA 483 Inspections data for yourself.

If you are looking for trends or graphs on Biologics, Devices or Pharmaceutical products/Drugs, click the respective links.

Live FDA 483 tracker – turning data into information

This trending tool of FDA 483 Inspections and Citations is intended to demonstrate the power of Business Intelligence, and trends in FDA inspections findings, the purpose of sharing it is to demonstrate the power being able to integrate any data base, be it live website, CAPA software, LIMS, ERP or any other DB and quickly display information.

So big data is not only for enterprise-class firms anymore, but the above graphs can also easily be iframed into your SharePoint website or just as easily your management dashboard. Small company professionals, from production, quality assurance and validation now have a tremendous tool for enhanced performance, the old saying is “tell me how you measure me, and I show you how I will behave”. Even business staff at large firms can benefit from Power Business Intelligence, since they won’t have to wait for their data to be extracted from other data streams.

You’ll be able to see very sophisticated data analytics right on your mobile device and make decisions from anywhere, please note the above is a demo site and not optimized for mobile devices.

PharmOut believes in operating leaner and reacting faster to quality issues, why wait to the end of the year before correcting an adverse trend?

Please contact or  / if you are looking for a Continuous Product Quality Review Dashboard.