Large Isolated Building, Fire Loads and Fire Compartments

Large Isolated Building, Fire Loads and Fire Compartments

In general, pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities (usually of Class 7 and 8) tend to occupy large areas and volumes (large isolated buildings), due to the nature of the operations (such as tall process equipment availability, high capacity storage, etc.). In principle, larger spaces have higher potential fire loads. Based on this assumption, and in order to…

Building Sizing – What are the Regulatory Constraints on Building Size?

Building Sizing – What are the Regulatory Constraints on Building Size?

Although building size will fundamentally vary depending on the production capacity of a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility, in general this type of building tends to occupy large areas and volumes due to the nature of the business (such as tall process equipment, high capacity warehouse storage, etc.). During facility design, it has always been a common…

‘Type of Construction’ – Determine the Construction Type of a Building
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‘Type of Construction’ – Determine the Construction Type of a Building

As a multidisciplinary Architectural & Engineering team, we get asked a lot of questions about pharmaceutical facility design. One of the most frequently asked questions by clients during the design stage of a facility is about how to determine the construction type of the building. To answer this, it’s important to understand what is meant…

‘Rise in Storeys’ – Definition of ‘Storeys’ and How to Calculate

‘Rise in Storeys’ – Definition of ‘Storeys’ and How to Calculate

As architects and engineers, we get asked a lot of questions relating to the application of National Construction Code (NCC) through the design phase of (pharmaceutical) facilities. A common question relates to the calculation of ‘rise in storeys’. Before answering that question, it’s important to understand what is meant with the term ‘rise in storeys’…

Medihotels – Can Hotels Become Hospitals in Times of Crisis?

Medihotels – Can Hotels Become Hospitals in Times of Crisis?

The Covid-19 pandemic has unquestionably highlighted the pressure placed on our healthcare systems through the rapid increase in the number of patients requiring intensive care. It has clearly evidenced the lack of available hospital beds and support services that are available at short notice in a pandemic, and has indirectly highlighted how many hotels are…