MediGrowth Cannabis Facility

Concept design for Medicinal Cannabis Facility – Case study

Given that PharmOut has had over 2000 clients over the past 12+ years, we actually rarely discuss the work we do, however, in this case we would like to make an  exception. In light of the “green boom” happening in Australia, and in collaboration with MediGrowth, a respected Australian medicinal cannabis company, we have decided to share one of our concept designs: a 3D visualization and “flow-through” of their planned facility.

Located in the sprawling Victorian countryside, the MediGrowth facility is protected not only by its rural location but also by the additional natural cover and boasts a streamlined design that is both aesthetically pleasing as well as ergonomically functional.

Offices have been designed with wide open spaces in mind and the floor to ceiling windows allow for a “spilling out” into the surrounding views.

Initial cultivation stages are housed in state of the art modules with fresh and clean lines while the greenhouse has been designed to maximise the utilization of the natural Australian sun. The greenhouse also has built-in HVAC and environmental controls while also affording a secure containment area that is compliant with ODC security requirements.

Shared lab spaces have been designed with clarity and movement in mind with designated zones for work, eyewash and shower stations, laboratory equipment and storage, while also sporting glass panelling that ensures the room feels “connected” to the rest of the facility and isn’t operating in isolation.

More information?

If you are interested in a medicinal cannabis facility concept design, or would like us to review an existing facility plan, please get in touch contact us at one of our offices around the world.

If you would like to read more about facility design, you may be interested in the following blogs:

Marijuana Greenhouses using Desiccant Dehumidification

5 Top Cannabis Cultivation Facility Design Tips

Australian Medicinal Cannabis cultivation indoors or outdoors debate

What to look for in a GMP cannabis consultant